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The Toll of Minority Status: How stress and adversity affect our minds, bodies, and health over the life course

  • 01/24/2020
  • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Utah Pride Center 1380 Main Street

Special Joint Session with WPP, AWP and The Guild

Presented by Lisa Diamond, PhD, University of Utah, Department of Psychology, DASH Collaborative

Join us for an in-depth look at how stress and trauma affect all of us, and how we experience and understand the stress of being non-dominant individuals - be it cultural, racial, gender or sexual identity.  We'll look at treatments that work and how we can help our clients survive stress and become more resilient in the future. 

Lisa M. Diamond is an American psychologist and feminist. She is a professor of developmental psychology and health psychology at the University of Utah. Her research focuses in sexual orientation development, sexual identity, and bonding.

No RSVP required and all are invited to attend. 

Note special day and time:  Friday evening, 5:30 to 7:30 pm

CEU’s have been approved for all in‐service programs by Utah NASW and Utah Psychological Association. For this joint session, CEU's will be free to members of WPP, AWP and The Guild.